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632 Main St., PO Box 249

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Sacred Stone Spa


Health + WellnessCommunity ServicesShopping + Retail

About Us

Located on the stunning west coast of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, the Sacred Stone is beautiful Tofino’s premiere, boutique spa offerring holistic and registered massage therapies.

We specialise in international styles of massage. Spanning Asia to Europe, the Sacred Stone offers a diverse roster of bodywork. Fusing global techniques developed over millennia, the Sacred Stone Spa represents contemporary West Coast culture from California to British Columbia. Experience expert massage and feel welcome at the Sacred Stone Spa on Tofino’s waterfront (4 treatment rooms).

Our body-workers are gifted healers and are often globally trained in several modalities. Many graduate from the Vancouver School of Bodywork and Massage. We are fortunate to have such wonderful colleagues and confident you’ll benefit from their talents. We accommodate people of all ages.

Thank you for finding us.