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632 Main St., PO Box 249

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Raincoast Education Society


Non-Profits, Societies, Foundations, Education, Trusts, Associations + Parks Activities + AdventureCommunity ServicesEvents + Festivals

About Us

The Raincoast Education Society (RES) was established in August 2000 with a mission to help shape an environmentally sustainable future for the Clayoquot and Barkley Sound region through education and community stewardship. Our aim is to enable citizens within and beyond the Clayoquot and Barkley Sound region to participate knowledgeably, effectively and responsibly in the work of shaping this future for our region and for our planet.

We seek to accomplish our mission by delivering a broad range of high-quality educational and interpretive programs, such as guided walks, seminar series, summer camps, school programs, and events focused on the natural environment, cultures, and communities of the Clayoquot and Barkley Sound region. We also bring outside educators and experts to our region for programs and presentations. We work with a broad range of public, private and community institutions and agencies, both within and beyond the region, in order to establish and maintain a high-caliber education and interpretive network and to reflect a wide range of perspectives in all educational and interpretive activities.

The RES is an independent non-profit society and registered Canadian charity.