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632 Main St., PO Box 249

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Forest & Waves Yoga Studio


Health + WellnessActivities + AdventureCommunity Services

About Us

Built from the cedar trees that our studio space occupies, Forest + Waves, Tofino's Yoga Studio is full of heart. We live yoga. We play yoga. We share yoga in the best way we know how.

Forest+Waves Yoga Teacher Team is a diverse array of highly experienced yoga teachers that find inspiration through their experience with living amongst the forest and the waves. We are committed to skillfully teaching the art and science of yoga and it is our aim to hold an inclusive community studio space that supports growth, well being and diversity.

Our studio operates within the Hahuulthii of the Tla-o-qui-aht Ha’wiih. We are an active member of Tribal Park Allies. We are a thriving student-led, community-focused infrared heated yoga studio, Yoga Alliance-certified yoga school and a regional centre for continuing education.