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632 Main St., PO Box 249

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Clayoquot Biosphere Trust


Non-Profits, Societies, Foundations, Education, Trusts, Associations + Parks Activities + AdventureCommunity ServicesHealth + Wellness

About Us

Welcome to the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Region!

The Clayoquot Biosphere Trust (CBT) is a non-profit organization that seeks to enhance the vitality of local communities and ecosystems through research, education, and cultural programs. As the local community foundation, we provide grants to communities, organizations, and individuals to achieve the interconnected aspects of sustainability – cultural, social, economic, and environmental – in the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region.

Our Vision

The community of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region (CSBR) will live sustainably in a healthy ecosystem, with a diversified economy, and strong, vibrant, and united cultures, while embracing the nuuc?aan?ul (Nuu-chah-nulth) First Nations living philosophies of iisaak (respecting), q?aa?akqin tiic?mis (it is how we live; it is our culture), and his?uk?is? c?awaak (everything is one).

Please visit our office or our website to learn more about projects happening in the region and to find out how you can get involved.