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Ahous Adventures
Activities + Adventure
6:00 am - 9:30 pm *during peak season
About Us
Ahous Adventures is an eco and cultural adventure tour company owned and operated by the ?a?uus?at? (Ahousaht) Nation, offering an exciting variety of excursions within ?a?uus?at? ha?uulii (Ahousaht territorial lands, waters and culture), including Hot Springs Cove tours, whale watching and bear watching.
Ahous Adventures invites visitors to explore ?a?uus?at? territories through the lens of the people who have lived on and stewarded these lands and waters since time immemorial. We believe that by openly sharing ?a?uus?at? knowledge, culture and history through storytelling, that locals and visitors can deeply connect with the true spirit of this remarkable ecosystem.
Nišmâqin, colloquially known today as the Maquinna Provincial Marine Park (location of Hot Springs Cove), is the new chosen name for this ecological and cultural gem. Nišmâqin means – the land that is ours.
Ahous Adventures is core to ?a?uus?at?’s economic development plans in the tourism sector – a sector the ?a?uus?at? have been historically marginalized from – with the intent to build a sustainable conservation economy, further ?a?uus?at? self-determination, create training, employment and mentorship opportunities for ?a?uus?at? community members, and partnerships with non-?a?uus?at? businesses and crown governments.
In addition to adventure tours, Ahous Adventures offers a Coffee & Tea Bar, serving hot & cold beverages as well as a gift shop that sells books, clothing, jewelry, artwork & souvenirs – with a focus on handmade, indigenous giftware.