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Highway 4 Closure Impact Engagement
Highway 4 Closure Impact Engagement
Please consider being a part of this important engagement, as this can do a lot to advocate for stronger supports for our community!
You are invited to participate in a Hwy 4 closure focus group to help ground some of the initial insights uncovered through a preliminary review of the closure impacts on west coast businesses.
Your input will inform recommendations that the West Coast Chambers of Commerce make on behalf of West Coast Island communities to other levels of government regarding business disruption preparedness strategies for preventing future business disruptions.
The focus group session will include an opportunity to consider the impact themes unearthed in surveys completed immediately after the closure as well as some of the solution themes identified to date. We also hope to gain a deeper understanding of what resources and other supports exist and/or are needed to support the continuation of business activities during these types of disruptions.
We hope you can find some time to participate in this important initiative.
Focus group sessions for Tofino businesses will be offered at the following dates and times:
Online Session 1: May 14th , 9:00 am – 10:30 am - click here to register
Online Session 2: May 22nd, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm – click here to register
If you are not available or feel that a colleague is more suited to the topics, please feel free to forward this invitation to them.
Project background
The Ucluelet, Tofino and Alberni Valley Chambers of Commerce, have hired WCS Engagement and Planning to explore the impacts of last years Highway 4 closure and to facilitate sessions to identify solutions that will help out during future disruptions.
The project will support the West Coast Chambers of Commerce in making recommendations to other levels of government regarding business disruption preparedness strategies.
The project is being completed with funding from Island Coastal Economic Trust.

Date and Time
Wednesday May 22, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
Online Session 1: May 14th , 9:00 am – 10:30 am - click here to register
Online Session 2: May 22nd, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm – click here to register